Hi Everyone!
I'm kind of tired of emailing today, so I'll try to keep this short. (We'll see how that actually goes!)
We had a great week this week!
We didn't end up inviting 500 people to be baptized. Turns out, it's harder to find 500 people than you'd think! We got 168. So, I beat my record at least. And one of them is on date to be baptized for August 14th! :)
I've decided that I don't make a very good elder missionary. I'll stick with being a sister. I still love my fanny pack though, and I get better and better at speaking ibish every day. :)
Fun things that happened this week:
Debra got baptized! :) It was kind of funny, she was very concerned that whoever baptized her would drop her and embarrass her, so we told her we'd get someone big and strong so she wouldn't be embarrassed. Unfortunately, her foot popped up the first time and her elbow the second, so she had to be dunked 3 times. But she ended up laughing it off. I was praying REAL hard that the 3rd time would work. She also told us that she would NOT like to be asked to speak in front of a group of people, and we told her that they never ask the person being baptized to speak at the baptism. And that she wouldn't have to speak if she didn't have to. Well, God has a sense of humor I guess, because a member of she stake presidency was there and he asked our ward mission leader to ask her to bear her testimony. The one time I assure her she won't have to talk, turns out to be the only baptism I've ever been to where our investigator had to talk! Typical!
It was really good though, and I'm really excited for her. The ward really stepped up and came out to welcome her, which was pretty cool to see. :)
Also, Isaac, the one that is on date for August 14th was pretty cool. What was keeping him from getting baptized was that he isn't married to his girlfriend, who is a member. And there was a lot getting in the way of that happening. A few weeks ago they hit a rocky patch, and so we decided to give them a break because they weren't really making any effort to progress. Well, in that time they decided to go visit her grandma who is a devout member of the church, and they went to church with her, and visited the temple grounds in that area, and it brought the whole family closer together. He decided he wanted to do whatever it took to be able to go to the temple, and they decided to get married on August 12th! Woo hoo! And he wants to get baptized two days later, which just so happens to be my last Sunday. Double Woo hoo! :) Pretty exciting stuff. I've seen a big difference in them from a few weeks ago to now. It's amazing what the gospel can do for you! :)
Some not fun things: We met a LOT of anti people this week, who feel like it is their calling to convert Mormon missionaries to "real Christianity". And all those anti people had super obnoxious animals. One lady had a cat that rubbed it's dumb fur all over me for the whole 30 minutes we were trapped in her house. And I haven't stopped sneezing since then. Another guy had this dumb gigantic dog that kept biting our hands and shoving it's gross face in ours.
Besides that, it was a pretty uneventful week. But a good one!
This is definitely true. On a mission, my faith has been tried many times, but I know that what I'm sharing is true. I know that the Jesus Christ I believe in, is the real Jesus Christ and Savior of the world. I know that God loves me, and is my Father in Heaven. I believe in these things with everything in me.