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I live in the most beautiful state! |
Monday after emailing I went and played capture the flag with my zone.
Then they all wanted to play dodge ball and forced me to play it.
Can I just say, that I have avoided PE since fifth grade, because I was
afraid of one day playing dodge ball? Anyways, who knew that I'd have to
face that fear on my mission? I had even forgotten about it until last
week. Elders go all out and the more they play the harder they throw.
Scary. I played for a few minutes and then when they forgot about me I
sat down and just watched...and got pelted in the face.
Heavenly Father is just making sure I get over ALL of my fears. It's a blessing. Haha.
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A suggestion for missionary exercise. "You might march to approved music." |
Wednesday, we had a temple trip. We get to go to the temple once a
year, so I'll get to go again next March. It was a fun experience. We
rode on school buses and had some nice bonding time with all the
missionaries in my zone.
It's funny that I thought all the Elders were
so wise and old (missionary wise) when I first got here, and now I
realize that they came onto their missions straight out of high school
and still have high school minds... I'm actually older than almost all
of them. They know more about sharing the gospel, but I don't feel as
inadequate as I did. One of them said "We were up until 1 am last night
exercising because we had so many energy drinks!"
These are the elders that
literally said, a few weeks ago, "I have a testimony of exact obedience,
I KNOW that it brings blessings." Haha!
the missionaries in my zone are really awesome and dedicated and have
strong testimonies. It's just funny to see the behind the scenes
versions of missionaries. No one is perfect but as long as we are
trying, that's all that matters.
was Sister Harris' birthday. She turned 20. One of her former
investigators decided to be baptized so that was an awesome birthday
present to her. We got to go to Sequim and see the baptism. A sweet old
lady in our ward gave us a ride. She is so awesome. She's the one I
think I talked about that is teeny tiny, exercises every day, and drives
a ginormous diesel truck. She lives by herself deep in the forests of
Tahuya. I love her. I also have a picture that I'm going to send you next week of Sister Russell next to her diesel truck because it's hilarious.
also had dinner at our Ward Mission Leaders house for her birthday. Our
Ward Mission Leader is this quiet guy that isn't very outgoing and I
think it's hilarious seeing his family because his wife, and two
daughters are SUPER talkative and energetic and a little boy crazy.
Their little boy is exactly like the dad. Quiet and serious. It's a good
balance. Brother Waite (The WML) came home the other night and told his
wife "Do you know how cute our missionaries are? I think they are my
favorite." :) That just warmed my heart. We're his favorite missionaries
so far...because we're awesome. :)
Saturday, our service at Zion's Camp was cleaning mouse poop off of
bunk beds. It was a very glamorous job. Only the very best of the best
are asked to do jobs like that. :)
think I'm going to take a little bit of time to tell you guys about our
investigators because I'm a missionary and my favorite thing to talk
about is the people I'm teaching. I love them so much and I just
know that they are going to be baptized. :)
Andi, is our most
progressing. We taught her on Tuesday. We answered her questions about
coming to church. We invited her to baptism, but she feels like she
needs to read the entire Book of Mormon before she agrees to anything.
She's the one that is RLDS. I think she is starting to realize that this
church is the true church and that through the gospel of Jesus Christ
she can be healed of all of her hurts.
is a stay at home mom that we found while knocking doors. She is so
sweet and happy, but I feel like she feels lonely staying at home so
often. We taught her the Restoration this week and she just soaked it
all in. She's going to read the Book of Mormon and the pamphlets, and we
gave her the General Conference Edition of the Ensign to read so she
could learn from the prophets. She grew up Christian but not in a
certain church so she's really open minded and wants to learn and to
know for herself if this church is true.
is the 10 year old who wants us to teach her. She is so sweet. We
brought her to church on Wednesday night and she loved it! She wanted to
come back to church on Sunday but when we picked her up she said she
couldn't come. I love her so much, and wish I could take her under my
wing. Her family is crazy, their house is a disaster, I worry about her
because it looked like she had a black eye when we came on Sunday, but
later her mom said that it was just make up from the night before... so
hopefully that's the case. We're going to try to get permission for her
to come to the church every Wednesday even though Activity days is only
twice a month, just so she can have some time away from home to learn
about the gospel and to just have fun with good kind people. She wants
to be "bathetized" Which is what she thinks we say, when we say
Mary Hough and her son,
Charlie, and his girlfriend all live together. Mary and Charlie are
members of the church but they don't come, and Katie, the girlfriend
isn't a member. Mary is really sweet and wants to come back to church
but her husband died a few years ago and I think that made it hard for
her to get to church. Charlie was baptized as a child, but doesn't
believe in the church anymore. He says that he always felt judged in
high school, and believes in the Gospel but refuses to come to church
because of how judgmental people are. Katie is a really nice girl who
wants to learn more, and so we are going to start teaching her, but
really we'll be teaching all of them...they just don't know it. :)
note: It makes me sad that there are so many people who have had one or
a few bad experiences with members of the church, and have a bad view
of the church now. We can teach them the doctrine, but we can't fix
those experiences. If everyone was kinder, and more loving to each
other, so many more people would be more accepting of the church. So,
make an effort to love everyone. Pray for charity, pray that you will be
able to see the child of God in everyone. Don't judge people because
they sin differently than you do. It's not worth it. We are all brothers
and sisters in God's family and we should make more of an effort to
love everyone.
investigators are the Leinnewebers. They are the ones we helped move
and who have a lot of craziness going on all the time. When we come
over, the boys think we are there to play...haha...but we told them we will
baptize them, and they still let us come over. Last
night we had a family home evening and we got the whole family to sit
down and listen to the Plan of Salvation. We taught them about where we
came from, why we are here and where we are going. They all sat and
listened and even asked questions. The spirit was there and it was
amazing because I didn't think they would sit still for us. Even the
husband, Chris, listened to us. It was beautiful. I can't wait to teach
them more.
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