Tons of stuff happened this week! But today is a crazy day so I probably won't put things in tons of detail.
On Tuesday we had Zion's Camp as a mission! That was a blast! We did some team building things like a trust fall, which is awfully scary, and getting our whole team over 10 foot wall. That was hard. All of the zones were their own teams and then all of the sisters were one team.
If you go to the
mission blog you can look at some really awkward pictures of me.
On Thursday we had weekly planning, and started drawing pictures of our experiences. We have drawn about 3 million stick figure pictures since then. And they are hilarious. I'll put a few pictures of them on here.
On Friday we cleaned the "Priesthood Bathroom" at Zions camp. There were a ton of spiders in there and animal droppings. Then they fed us lunch, and we sat and watched chipmunks and bluebirds and squirrels and hummingbirds eat food around the picnic table. That was really fun.
Another story of a guy falling for Sister Kramer happened on Friday also. She said "Hey! Would you like a picture of Jesus?" And then he said "I'd rather have a picture of you!" haha. I think that's the only one this week though.
That night we had a church tour with a guy from Kenson. I talked about him a few weeks ago, he's from Haiti, lost his leg a few years ago, moved here after the earthquakes in Port-Au-Prince and is now going to school here. Anyways, it was a really cool church tour. Everything we taught him made sense to him. He said our church reminds him of his dad's church back home. He doesn't like that a lot of churches here aren't very spiritual. He thinks church is a sacred place, that sacrament should be prepared for. In his church in Haiti everyone wore white to church, their very best clothes. You didn't take the sacrament without thinking about Jesus Christ, the Atonement, and what it is that you are doing. He likes the peace and quiet that he finds in our church building.
On Saturday, President Blatter called us to give us our transfer calls. :( Sister Kramer is staying here in Belfair and training a brand new missionary! And I am being kicked out to serve in the Olympia 1st and 5th wards. My new companion will be Sister Evans. She just finished her 2nd transfer. (I just finished my 3rd) and we are both being doubled in to the area. So, it's going to be kind of a crazy week. Neither of us know the area, and we are both pretty "young" in the mission, and we are covering TWO wards.
I'm assuming that God realized that I was starting to feel really comfortable with Belfair, and my progression wasn't moving fast enough so He is sending me to something that will definitely challenge me, but it will be good. I'm excited, and sad. I love Belfair to death. It's kind of like my heaven on earth. It's beautiful and fits me. It has a lot of character, it's a small town, things move a little slower around here and the ward also has tons of character. But, God wants me to keep moving and keep growing, and there are people in Olympia that only Sister Evans and I can reach. I'll appreciate any prayers that are sent my way though. :)
I said goodbye to everyone at church on Sunday. But I'm not going to dwell on that.
A few other fun things that happened this week:
Me and The Waite daughters, Brooke and Emily. I'm going to miss this family a ton. |
I think that's about all. Today is my last day in Belfair so I'm going to finish up here.
For my Spiritual thought:
I read Alma 40 this morning and I thought it was funny because lately I've been trying to find answers to questions that are a bit beyond my understanding and in Alma 40 Corianton also has some things that he is trying to understand. And I love the way Alma addresses it.
He says: "I perceive that thy mind is worried concerning the resurrection of the dead." (I'm not focusing on the doctrine of resurrection for my thought, just so you know.) Then a few verses later (v. 3) he says "Now, I unfold unto you a mystery; nevertheless, there are many mysteries which are kept, that no one knoweth them save God himself. But I show unto you one thing which I haveinquired diligently of God that I might know..."
Skip a few more verses (v. 5) "Now, whether there shall be one time, or a second time, or a third time, that men shall come forth from the dead, it mattereth not; for God knoweth all these things."
So, Corianton is confused about the doctrine of resurrection. And Alma tells him first that there are many things that we don't know. That we won't know because we don't need to. However, another thing he says is that he has inquired DILIGENTLY of God to understand a few things about resurrection, and so he is able to share those with his son.
God will help us to understand and gain answers to our questions but we have to do our part to get those answers through prayer, study, faith, and action.
I love though that Alma also says though: it doesn't matter how it works just know that God knows how it works. And have faith and trust in God and the fact that HE KNOWS what He is doing.
I get caught up in the trap of wondering and doubting and worrying about how everything works. I have faith, but there are some deeper questions that I just don't understand. BUT God knows. He has a plan. He's got everything figured out, and He has given us the tools to stay on the right path to follow that plan. So, don't worry. "For God knoweth all these things."
I love you all! Have a great great week! :)
Love, Sister Warburton
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