Monday, August 31, 2015


Hello Everyone! 

We had a pretty normal week this week. It did start raining though... and it doesn't look like it's going to stop for a while... :( it was exciting for a little while because there was a crazy windstorm that blew a bunch of leaves and branches everywhere, and the power went out for everyone except for us because we live right next to hospital. 

I'm struggling to remember what happened this week. So, I think I'll just tell you about my investigators. (Please pray for them):

Ryan: He has been investigating the church for a year and a half. He had to wait until he was 18 because his parents didn't want him to get baptized, but even after he turned 18, he still wanted their blessing. So he FINALLY talked to his parents and they were fine with it. (He pushed back his baptism date multiple times because he kept putting off talking to them) Now, he has their permission and is on date for this Saturday, but he still has some doubts and wants to push it back again. I know that he is ready, and he is ready, but he is worried and doubting and Satan is trying to keep him from doing something right. He needs prayers more than anyone right now because he needs to know that what he is doing is the right thing. 

John: We've been teaching him a little over a month. He is awesome. He wants to know/learn everything there is to know, but there is SO much to know, that it overwhelms him, I think. We try to stay focused on the basics. Because if he gets a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true, then everything else will fall into place. 

Tammy: We knocked into her a while ago and she was so nice. When we asked if we could share a quick message with her, she said yes. (Which almost never happens.) So we taught her the Restoration and she wasn't super interested in us coming back... but being persistent missionaries, we did. She's very busy but she's so nice, so we finally were able to come back and talk about the Plan of Salvation, and she told us that she's been looking for a church to go to. Yesterday she came to church for the first time and it was great! :) Hopefully she will come back and find that it is the church for her!

Other people that would be good to pray for: 
Frank- who needs to overcome smoking
Sharla- who has trouble waking up to come to church because her baby is awake all through the night
Mary-Ellen- who SO wants to come to church and be a part of something, but her step-mom won't let her for some reason. (We are teaching her step-mom as well...)
and Rachel- who is YSA age and we taught a really awesome first lesson, and she seemed really excited to learn more, but we haven't heard from her since.... 

For my spiritual thought I want to share a story that a sister in my ward told us:
When she was 16 she had a big crush on one of the 16 year old Priests. On Easter Sunday, he was the one saying the sacrament prayer, and for some reason he just couldn't say the prayer just right, so he kept doing it over and over and over until he got it perfect. Well, this sister was angry with her bishop by the end because she thought this boy was just perfect, and didn't think it was fair that he had to keep saying the prayer over. And she was bothered all day about it. However, on the way home from church, her dad said "Wasn't that the most beautiful sacrament meeting we've ever been too?" and she was stunned! Because she was still bothered. And then, seeing that she didn't understand, he said, "We are all so far from being perfect. We try our very best but we have to come to church every Sunday to take the sacrament and repent of the mistakes we keep making. We try and try, and still always make mistakes. But the Sacrament is there so that we can try again and again until we become absolutely perfect." 

I really liked that story, because just like we don't take the Sacrament until the prayer is said perfectly, we keep trying in our every day life until we become perfect, which won't happen while we are here, but doesn't mean we should stop. God knows we will keep making mistakes. That is why He sent His Son. So that we could try again. And that's all He asks of us. He asks us to keep trying. 

Thank goodness for that. I can't promise to be perfect, but I can promise to keep trying, every day. 

I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week! 

Lots and lots of love,

Sister Warburton


Sister Evans holding all the stuff we had to bring in from the car. 
​We thought it would be a good idea to go street contacting on the trail during a wind storm... haha we were able to talk to the one other person who was out. Besides that we got some pictures with this branch that fell out down on the trail while we were there. (We left soon after.)
This is me pole vaulting.
A picture of Sister Evans with the branch. 
A horrible picture of me but a cute one of Silem, one of the 18 year old's that comes knocking doors with us all the time. :) We love her. 
Eating ice cream at Grandpas. Missionaries get ginormous single scoops. 
My AWESOME tan line. (not.) 
I haven't had to worry too much about dogs here in Olympia like I did in Belfair... but this past week I got a few bruises from some menacing dogs that kept jumping on us and barking.  Then we knocked a street last night that just had a chorus of dogs barking the whole 2 hours. 2 ran at us but were stopped by the neighbors before they got to us, and then this yard had FOUR giant dogs that barked and barked and barked and barked and barked and barked. We didn't go into that yard to knock on their door. Anyone with that many dogs is NOT ready for the gospel at this moment. 
A snake we found. 
The rain has been making for some pretty sunsets this week. This sunset was way prettier in person... 

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