Ryan did not get baptized on Saturday... but I have faith that he will sometime soon. At this point all he has to do is call us and tell us he's ready and we'll get the font filled up that day. Haha. So we'll keep praying for him.
We had a mini-Zone Conference this week to encourage us to have more faith, hope, and charity. Our missionaries have gotten really good at focusing on goals and being obedient, but I guess we need more faith and more of an understanding of our purpose. So that was really good. It gave me a good boost for the rest of the week.
It's been awfully cold this week. Like in the 50's and 60's. Christmas songs keep popping into my head. I have to fight them though because Christmas is 3 months away...
We started teaching Frank this week and he is awesome. They have a crazy family situation. But one of his daughters is determined to stay active even though the rest of the family isn't. He desperately wants to change his life so he can help his children. It's hard for him to live the gospel but he is doing it. We gave his daughter a bunch of Jesus cards to tape all over the house to try to bring the spirit into their home.
Yesterday was Fast Sunday, and I got the courage to bear my testimony. Being a missionary, I should be bearing my testimony EVERY Fast and Testimony meeting... but I don't. So, that was pretty cool.
Other than that nothing tooooo exciting happened, so that's it. Next Monday, I'll have more exciting information to share. Transfers are next week and I think a lot of changes will be made. :)
A scripture that I've made my mission motto is Moroni 8:16. I've probably shared it before, close to the beginning of my mission but I've been focusing on a different part of it.
"Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear."
At the beginning of my mission I focused on casting out all fear. Because I had a lot of it. I still do, but I've gotten way better. But now I'm focusing on having perfect love.
The only people who have perfect love are Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I don't expect to ever have PERFECT love, but I know that as I strive to have perfect love for God and Jesus and for every person I meet, any fears that I have truly will be cast out, and I will be able to speak with boldness because I would love people so much that I'd be able to say whatever they need to hear.
Well, I love you all!
Have a great week!
Love, Sister Warburton
Here's a cute story she included in my email:
Yesterday we had break the fast with the YSA branch and I got to sit at a table with Sam, the guy with down syndrome who just got home from his mission with his parents. I asked him what his favorite thing about his mission was and then he laughed and told me his favorite thing about "Missiomary" work was "work work work!" He was fellowship for the college students that were learning and he loved teaching them lessons. He loved tracting and telling people that he was a missionary from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Then he showed me that when he was on his mission to get around not being able to hug the sisters, he would give them a hand hug....haha....and he said "I can give you a hand hug" and then he said but the Elders, I would give a "BIG hug" Haha.
He's so sweet. I hope Carson gets to go on a mission.
These are some pictures from today, we found a pretty field of purple flowers:
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