Things are going great here in the sticks!
Some things that happened this week:
-On Tuesday I decided to ask Heavenly Father "What lack I yet?" Like the talk from General Conference, and the first thing that popped into my head was "Patience" and I thought "What? I'm already patient! That can't be what I need to work on..." But I went on with my prayer and forgot about it. Well. Heavenly Father has a sense of humor because Tuesday realllyyyy tried my patience. We had two lessons planned with some of our not very committed investigators and they both cancelled one after the other. Then a bunch of dogs came running at us throughout the day to scare us off of property that wasn't even theirs! and THEN while I'd be steaming at these dumb dogs that keep us from sharing the gospel, my companion who just LOVES dogs would say something like "I think that was a rottweiler, one of those dogs that is always misunderstood."
Then nobody was all that interested all day, and we did a LOT of finding all day. And when I got home I tried to turn on a light and in the process I bent my nail all the way back. Which reallyy hurt. So, it turned out, that that day I really needed to work on my patience. and I'm sure Heavenly Father was sitting back saying "I told you so."
- We finally got our car all fixed on Wednesday. We had to sit in the Ford dealership for a few hours because we weren't really sure how long it would take, but we were able to enjoy the song Let it Go that came on. I hadn't heard it in 8 months! haha.
- We went up to one house that had literally about 15 Yorkies. It was so weird. There were 3 dogs in the yard when we got there, and then out a little doggy door came out another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another. It reminded me of 101 Dalmatians. It was crazy.
- On Thursday I exercised my missionary skills and stepped outside of my comfort zone and pulled the car over right when I saw this girl sitting on the side of the road who looked like she was crying. I always feel guilty when I drive past people in need, but I've gotten better at taking time to talk to people in need. Anyways, so I pulled up and my companion didn't know what I was doing, but I just got out of the car and went over to this girl who was crying. She was probably about my age, and I guess her boyfriend had kicked her out of the car. She said they just moved here so she doesn't know anybody and she was hoping her boyfriend would come back, but I think she'd been there for a while. We can't give people rides, but I felt so bad that I couldn't do much so I gave her our phone number and invited her to come to church where there are lots of people who just adopt grandkids. and would make sure she was taken care of, and then we figured out where she lives and then left. She wasn't there about half an hour later, but we will probably go by her house sometime this week to see if she's alright. I probably could have done more, because I still felt guilty when I left, but hopefully we can get another chance to help her.
- It has started to get reallyyy rainy and dark here. And I'm not looking forward to the time change next Sunday that will make it even darker. People worry about us, but not enough to invite us in to share our message. But we've had a few people make us promise to buy pepper spray. (I probably won't.) I have a lot of faith that as I do what I'm supposed to and continue to diligently move forward, one step at a time, that God will protect me. I know that there are angels around me watching over me, so I'll just continue to share the gospel.
- Last thing. I may have mentioned when I first got here to Winlock that there is a couch on our back porch with a hornet or yellow jacket's nest in it. Well, I finally got the courage to go onto our back porch this week to pick up the measuring cup that was back there. And then yesterday a member mentioned it and gave us some bee killer to use if we had the courage to spray the nest... So... last night I got the courage to go against what used to be one of my biggest fears! I wrapped a scarf around my head, put on some gloves, made sure every inch of my skin was covered, walked outside and shined the flashlight on this ENORMOUS hole in the back of the couch and SPRAYED then I ran and ran and ran and had a heart attack and died! Just kidding. I didn't die. I didn't even get stung. But the hornets are ANGRY and have been trying to sting us through the sliding glass door all night. I don't think there was enough spray to kill them all so I'll have to try again in a week or so.
You won't even recognize me when I get home. I'll be totally fearless!
So, that was our week.
I finished the Book of Mormon this week so I'll just share a scripture from Moroni 10. The whole chapter is good, so I'd encourage you to read it. But verses 6 and 7 say:
"And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.
And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever."
Jesus Christ is real and so is God. Do what you can to know that for yourselves. There is power in that knowledge.
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