Nothing really crazy happened this week.
We were able to teach Renee the 1st lesson. She's the lady we met on Park day who has been reading the Book of Mormon with her friend. She's been living here in Winlock about a year, and has been going to the Lutheran church, but she doesn't really agree with their teachings, and she loves the Book of Mormon. I am AMAZED that she hasn't talked to missionaries or gone to church, but when we met with her she believed everything and agreed with everything. We invited her to be baptized and she said yes! She will be baptized in the next few weeks! Maybe even on my half birthday! :D
We knocked a lot of more boonies roads this week. And I was able to catch a snake! :D
I also had to wait for a train, and I started counting how many train cars there were and I got to ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR TRAIN CARS! That blew my mind! It was going kind of slow, so I was thinking there were a lot of cars, but I didn't even know trains could pull 134 cars. Also it was the giant metal boxes full of stuff and they were stacked up so it was like a two story train and 134 so 260!!!!! boxes. (I've been in a small town with not much exciting news for too long now.)
And then this weekend was General Conference which was awesome! I LOVE Conference. (If you had told 15 year old Kinsey that she would love Conference 5 years from now, she probably would have rolled her eyes and said "no way.")
I'm actually sad that there are ONLY 6 sessions of conference. I wish we could hear more.
My favorite talks were Elder Russell M. Nelsons, Elder Hollands, and President Monsons. And President Uchtdorf's talk was really good too about making things simpler.
Besides that my week wasn't really all that exciting. I wasn't pulled over, I didn't get shot, I don't remember anyone yelling at us, I do have a picture of the snake I caught though. So, I'll include that.
I was reading this morning about virtue in PMG (Preach My Gospel), and it was talking about how we should memorize hymns and scriptures so that our mind can always be occupied with good things, which reminded me of the guy that talked about "ponderizing" at conference yesterday. I decided this week to "ponderize" 1 Nephi 17:50-51 but I also decided to pick a song that I'd like to memorize.
So, I decided to memorize the 3rd verse of "I'll go where you want me to go" which is:
"There's surely somewhere a lowly place
In earths harvest fields so wide
Where I may labor through life's short day
For Jesus the Crucified.
So trusting my all to thy tender care,
and knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere.
I'll be what you want me to be."
I've never really paid attention to the lyrics before, but I like that this verse talks about laboring in earth's fields for Jesus. We use laboring in the fields as a symbol of missionary work all the time. Those who are ready to be gathered in to the fold of Christ, just like gathering in the harvest.
And then it talks about how we put our trust in Him who loves us more perfectly and more completely than any human being, and doing what He asks us to do. Because as we trust Him, we know that what He asks us to do, will end up being better than what we think we want to do. Because He does love us.
So, I'm here to labor in His fields, to bring home His children, because I trust that this is what He wants me to do, and I agreed to be what He wants me to be.
Well, I love you all! and I miss you! <3
Lots of love,
Sister Warburton
Lots of love,
Sister Warburton
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The birthday letter I sent Jared. |
She was so excited to send Jared a birthday letter because she was hoping to embarrass him. ;) |
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