How is the real world treating ya'll?
Life here in Elma is good. I really enjoy it here. I do miss the sunshine though. Apparently, it's rainier and cloudier here than most places in Washington.... so if you'd like to pray for an abnormally hot summer here in Elma, I won't mind. ;) (Everyone else will... but I won't tell them it's my fault. (: )
We had a great week with lots of fun. Sister Sasser had lots of money left over on her MSF card so we bought the stuff to make crepes last Monday and made crepes in the mornings this week. They were delicious.
Wow, I'm trying to remember what else happened this week... I know more than just crepes happened...
Tuesdayy.... is not in my mind anymore... sorry.
Wednesday we had district meeting as always. And in the evening we met with both bishops. (One problem we run into covering 2 wards is that meetings take up a lot of good proselyting and teaching time. We are supposed to meet with our ward mission leader once a week and our bishops once a week and we go to ward council or PEC every Sunday. With 2 wards, that's about 6 hours of meetings throughout the week... and it often falls in the time that people are at home and available to be taught. We're still experimenting though. And everything will work out.)
Thursday, we weekly planned. Sister Sasser goes home in a few days so I got to plan to do whatever I want! (Also, when I plan by myself I get it done MUCH faster than when I have another companion to plan with me. )
That evening we had 2 lessons with investigators. We had Timothy in a members home. It was pretty good. We were late though because our knocking spot was farther away than we thought :( so we didn't have as much time to talk with him as we would have liked... and he didn't end up coming to church this Sunday so we're kind of bummed about that.
Then we had Vern at 8 who is the most stubborn guy on the planet! Man. He's driving me nuts. I love him, because he's a child of God, but he can be so frustrating sometimes! We're trying to help him to live the word of wisdom because we feel like he is ready to be baptized... He keeps saying things like "Well, I don't want to live in the Terrestrial kingdom with Hitler. I want to be in the Celestial Kingdom." So we explain to him that in order to be in the Celestial kingdom you have to be baptized. And then we explain that he can't get baptized if he keeps drinking coffee. So we encourage him to TRY to give it up. Baby steps. But then he tells us "I'm 60 years old. I'm not going to change. It's who I am." And I personally think that's a lame title to give yourself. Vern, the coffee drinker. He could be "Vern, the GREAT." or Vern, the righteous or Vern, the unstoppable because he uses the Atonement of Christ. So, when we came over on Thursday we asked him how the coffee thing was going he said "My THREE cups of coffee this morning tasted GREAT." And that's MORE than he normally drinks. So, he did it to spite us! That guy!
And he knows Sister Sasser is leaving on Tuesday, and she's been teaching her for 6 months, and he loves her, but for some reason he's decided to ignore us... which will probably make him sad when she's gone and he didn't get to say goodbye....
Whoa. Sorry. I'll move on now.
So, Friday was good too! I don't remember what we did during the day but we had a fantastic lesson in the evening, WAY out in the middle of nowhere, with Michelle and Cale. Cale is a member who is returning less active. He has a son named Baylor. Michelle is Cale's girlfriend, and her daughter is Josie. We were able to go over and teach them all the Restoration. The kids LOVE church and both really want to get baptized, and Michelle does as welll, so we put all three of them on date to be baptized on March 26th. And then after the lesson she gave us cookies and let us ride her hoverboard. Which was kind of fun. Then we went home.
Saturday we visited lots of people. and shared the gospel along the way.
And Sunday we spent the day at church and then visited a whole bunch of members in the ward that Sister Sasser needed to say goodbye to. We had ice cream at Bishop Brulottes house, soup at the Schultz, food at the Wallaces, and then by the end of the night someone had to roll Sister Sasser and I home.
Just kidding.
That was my week.
Sister Rosenvall is going to be my new companion starting tomorrow. It's gonna be fun for the members to try to remember our names. Warburton and Rosenvall. Can't get any better than that! ;)
For my spiritual thought I'm just going to share one of my favorite poems that President Monson sometimes shares:
Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees.
The further sky, the greater length.
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.
I just love that as members of this Church we understand that adversity doesn't need to make our lives depressing or discouraging. Adversity helps us to grow. It makes us strong. It gives us the energy to go further when something else comes our way. Along with that, even though adversity is inevitable, we know that our Savior has felt our pain too. He understands and He's here to lift us, to strengthen us, to push us along.
So, there you go. My spiritual thought is that life is hard. But hard things sure do make for darn tough children of God.
I love ya'll! Have a great week! Pray for sunshine! :)
Love, Sister Warburton
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"Hello Sister Warburton's mom!! Our family has been so blessed to have your daughter in our lives. She's an Angel and we are so thankful she is here." :) |
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